calibrar - Automated Parameter Estimation for Complex Models
General optimisation and specific tools for the parameter estimation (i.e. calibration) of complex models, including stochastic ones. It implements generic functions that can be used for fitting any type of models, especially those with non-differentiable objective functions, with the same syntax as 'stats::optim()'. It supports multiple phases estimation (sequential parameter masking), constrained optimization (bounding box restrictions) and automatic parallel computation of numerical gradients. Some common maximum likelihood estimation methods and automated construction of the objective function from simulated model outputs is provided. See <https://roliveros-ramos.github.io/calibrar/> for more details.
Last updated 7 days ago
5.05 score 7 stars 27 scripts 271 downloadsibm - Individual Based Models in R
Implementation of some (simple) Individual Based Models and methods to create new ones, particularly for population dynamics models (reproduction, mortality and movement). The basic operations for the simulations are implemented in Rcpp for speed.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.61 score 1 stars 27 scripts 170 downloads